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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2016; 23(2): 211-213

Foreign body in the urethra

Mehmet Levent Akbulut, Ramazan Altintas, Ahmet Camtosun, Huseyin Celik, Cemal Tasdemir.

Cited by 0 Articles

Inserting foreign bodies into the male and female urethra, which occurs mostly due to psychiatric and urethral problems, is a rare condition. These patients can present with obstruction of the urethra due to these foreign bodies. These foreign bodies can reach into the bladder in women due to female urethra's short structure; observing foreign bodies in the urethra in men is therefore more uncommon.
While self-insertion of foreign bodies into the urethra in men is usually due to erotic stimulation, we present the case of an elderly male patient who had inserted a foreign object into the bladder to fix urine flow. In this study, we present the diagnosis and treatment of a 62-year-old male patient, who previosly had diffuculties in micturation and was admitted to the emergency room with acute urinary retention due to a foreign body detected in the urethra during evoluation.

Key words: Urethra; Urinary Retantion; Foreign Body.

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