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Comparative investigation of Ocinum basilicum L. accessions from the collection of IPGR – Sadovo, aiming to their classification and practical use

Katya S Uzundzhalieva.


The importance of The Sweet Basil (Ocinum basilicum L.) as medical, ornamentaland spice plant is well known from ancient times. It`s origin is in Africa and Assia. In the regions with moderate climate are grown more than 150 varieties. The aim of this study is describing and classifying the basil accessions in the collection of IPGR - Sadovo with the view of their practical use. The experiment is carried out in the experimental field of PGRI - Sadovo during the period 2011-2012. The following biometric indices are reported: plant - height, width, number of branches, stem – length and diameter; branching first order - length and diameter; leaf - length and width; inflorescence - diameter, height and color; type of inflorescence. Phenological observations were made and the following inter-phase periods are recorded: sowing, germination, sprouting, blossoming, flowering period, growing season. The results shows that accessions А7Е0284, which is with longest flowering and growing periods, very well-leaved and long inflorescence is very suitable for ornamental purposes and in home gardens. Accession А9Е0452, which is with maximum number of branches, consequently with maximum leaf mass is most suitable for spice and medical purposes. Hierarchical cluster analysis based on intergroup connections is used to determine the homogeneous groups was made. Thus the accessions are divided into groups (clusters) based on a study of 16 indices. The comparative cluster analysis of basil accessions in the collection of IPGR - Sadovo shows complete uniformity in the results for the grouping based on morphological parameters and using cluster analysis.

Key words: Ocinum basiliscum, basil, collection, classification, use.

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