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Prevalence of Cryptosporidium Oocysts Among Primary School Children in Wamakko Local Government of Sokoto State, Nigeria

Shinkafi Sa'adatu Aliyu, Zainab Muhammad.

Cited by 6 Articles

The research was aimed at determining the prevalence of cryptosporidium oocysts in faecal samples among primary school children in Wamakko local government of Sokoto state, Nigeria. A total of forty (40) samples were collected. The samples were obtained from pupils attending different primary schools within Wamakko Local Government, these include the following; Kwalkwalawa Primary School, Kaurar Kimba Primary School, Farari Primary School and Asari Primary School. All faecal samples were analysed using formal diethyl acetate concentration to detect the presence of cryptosporidium oocysts. Cryptosporidiosis was high in female children with 65% percentage prevalence compared to males with 60%.chi-square analysis conducted indicated that there was no significant variation between the two sexes (P>0.05).The highest percentage prevalence of occurrence of cryptosporidiosis infection was recorded among the pupils of Kaurar Kimba primary School with 80%. followed by Kwalkwalawa and Fanari Primary Schools with 60% prevalence each. While the least percentage prevalence was recorded in Asari Primary School with 50% prevalence. Chi-square analysis conducted based on the 4 schools indicated that there was no significant variation between the 4 schools (P>0.05).

Key words: KEYWORDS: Prevalence, Cryptosporidiuum oocysts, Primary school, Children

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