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Effect of life-style related practices on sexual and reproductive health of eligible couples: A mixed method exploratory study

Sanjeev Davey, Santosh Kumar Raghav, Jaivir Singh, Anuradha Davey, Shailendra Kumar, Pradeep Kumar Choudhary.


Background: The role of lifestyle related practices on Sexual and Reproductive health (SRH) in rural areas; appears to be an emerging issue as indicated by literature. But its effect on Eligible Couples (ECs) is unknown. Therefore exploration of the role of effects of various life style related factors on ECs sexual and reproductive health; needs to be studied, as addressed by this study. Methods: A Cross Sectional Study was done in the catchment area of a Rural Health Training Centre;in Village –Sikhera by simple random sampling technique, in Muzaffarnagar district of state Uttar Pradesh in India. Total 428 Eligible Couples (ECs) from this Village were studied. Among them 214 ECs were further selected by simple random sampling; for subsequent in-depth interview for their perceptions on effects of 3 lifestyle related factors such as Tobacco usage, Alcohol Usage & Mobile Phones usage on their Sexual & Reproductive health. Results: The overall Prevalence of SRH disorders was more among Alcohol users( 49%), as compared to Tobacco Users(46.4%) among ECs significantly(p

Key words: Reproductive health, sexual health, eligible couples, rural area, life style factors.

Article Language: Turkish English

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