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Case Report

Dusunen Adam. 2016; 29(3): 281-285

Pedophilic disorder and incest: a case report

Huseyin Bulut.


Pedophilic disorder is defined as having recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children over a period of at least 6 months. Incest, on the other hand, is a sexual activity or assault between family members or close relatives and when towards a child can be defined as the sexual abuse of the child. The concomitance of pedophilic disorder and incest is an important detail which is usually ignored. We would like to emphasize in this case presentation that concomitance of these two pictures are significant in targeted medical and social aspects.

Key words: Incest, pedophilic disorder, sexual abuse

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