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Nephroprotective effect of Bacopa monnieri on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rodent models

Nikhil Era, Shatavisa Mukherjee, Susanta Kumar Bordoloi.

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Background: Drug-induced nephrotoxicity has been a significant cause of concern. Nephrotoxicity has been majorly implicated due to drug or toxin exposure. Bacopa monnieri commonly known, as “Brahmi,” is known to have a wide range of pharmacological principles responsible for various curative properties.

Aim and Objective: The present study aims to assess the nephroprotective role of B. monnieri extract (BME) in gentamicin (GM)-induced nephrotoxic rodent model.

Materials and Methods: Nephroprotective effect of the extract in doses of 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg was tested in GM-induced nephrotoxic rodent model. Mean kidney weight, urea, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and electrolytes were measured. Renal antioxidants were analyzed. Data were statistically analyzed.

Results: Renoprotection in terms of reduced mean kidney weight, urea, creatinine, and blood urea nitrogen post-intoxication was observed maximum at dose of 200 mg/kg when compared with GM intoxicated group. Treatment with BME showed significant increase in serum sodium level and decrease in serum potassium level. Groups treated with BME showed significant increase in glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and catalase values at 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg.

Conclusion: For progressive situations, nephroprotectant can be of utility. Promising results in terms of biochemical parameters were observed, where significant protection from renal injury can be postulated.

Key words: Antioxidant; Bacopa monnieri; Gentamicin; Nephroprotection; Nephrotoxicity

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