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Health perception, health-related behaviors, and medication adherence of patients with Type II Diabetes: a study in the Black Sea Region of Turkey

Emine Küçük, Kürşad Yapar.


Objective: This study aims to assess the health perception, health-related behaviors, and medication adherence of type II diabetes mellitus patients.

Materials and Methods: The sample of this descriptive cross-sectional study comprises 450 type II diabetes mellitus patients in Giresun province (of Turkey). For data collection, a questionnaire including questions on socio-demographic characteristics, health-perception, and type II diabetes is used together with Morisky Mediation Adherence Scale-8.

Results: Mean age of the patients is 60.7±1.35. 12.3% of the patients perceive their health as bad while 55.6% of them perceive it as medium. 40.6% of the patients think that their health will worsen. Female patients think that their health will worsen significantly more (p

Key words: Type II diabetes mellitus, Health perception, Health-related behaviors, Medication adherence, Public health

Article Language: Turkish English

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