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In vitro Antioxidant Activity of Chrysophyllum albidum Fruit

S. U. Dandare, B. B. Mainasara, U. F. Magaji, A. Dandare, A. A.Lailaba and M. E. Sadiq.


Chrysophyllum albidum (African star apple) is a tropical plant commonly found in Nigeria. It has acquired a reputation in folklore as a formidable therapeutic agent against yellow fever, malaria, diarrhea, vaginal and dermatological infections. This study was carried out to investigate the in vitro antioxidant activity of three extracts [aqueous (AE), methanol (ME) and petroleum ether (PE)] of the plant fruit using two antioxidant tests. The ferric ion reductive power and % H2O2 inhibition of the fruit extracts at 1 mg/ml concentration were evaluated, the result followed the pattern AE > ME > PE showing the strongest to the least strong antioxidant activity. However, the % H2O2 inhibition between the aqueous and methanolic extracts has no significant (p > 0.05) difference . A Comparative study reveals that the reductive power of ascorbic acid (1 mg/ml) is significantly (p < 0.05) higher than that of the fruit extracts except of aqueous extract. Though the % H2O2 inhibition of ascorbic acid was greater than all the extracts, a statistical difference (p < 0.05) was only observed in petroleum ether extracts of the fruit. This finding suggests that African star Apple has the potential to prevent lipid peroxidation and radical chain reactions. Hence, relishing the fruit as part of dietary intake and further exploitation as a therapeutic agent should be encouraged.

Key words: Chrysophyllum albidum, antioxidant activity, reducing power, fruit extracts.

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