Background: The complete cognizance of utility of srotomoola (root) of srotasa (channels) has not been expounded in Samhitas. Srotas have been given a place of fundamental importance in ayurveda both in health and disease. This can be seen when the integrity of srotas is impaired, both sthangata and marga gata dhatu are involved, the vitiation spreads from one dhatu (body tissues) to another and all srotas are involved simultaneously. Charak has elucidated 11 pairs of srotas and their respective srotomoola in Vimana Sthana and Sutra Sthana. Hypothesis: It was postulated that if we treat the moola of a srotasa of a particular dhatu, without giving medicines acting directly on the disease, even then the dhatu pradoshaja vikara of that particular srotasa will get treated. Aims and Objectives: To establish the role and functional utility of srotomoola with its respective Dhatu Pradoshaja Vikara. Materials and Methods: An exhaustive study was done to review the inference of four clinical trials that were administered in NIA with the same principle behind to recapitulate the role and functional utility of srotomoola. All the trials prosecuted were randomized single blinded studies and three groups were allocated for the thorough conduction of these research works done. Out of three groups two were given drugs that acted directly on Srotomoola and not on the disease and the third group was given Vyadhihara medicines that were prescribed directly in context of that particular disease in classical texts. Result: Out of all the three groups in the trials all the groups showed significant results in the treatment of the respective Dhatu Pradoshaja Vikara. Conclusion: The amalgamation of Srotomoola Chikitsa and Vyadhi Pratyanika Chikitsa can surely augment the management propositions in Ayurveda in coming years.
Key words: Dhatu Pradoshaja Vikara, Srotasa, Srotomoola, Vyadhihara