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Chemical Composition of the essential oil of Morella parvifolia (Benth.) Parra-O. from the Venezuelan Andes

Flor Dolveni Mora, Bladimiro Silva, Vanessa Hernandez, Luis Beltran Rojas, Juan Carmona.


Venezuela is a country with high biodiversity. The specie Morella parvifolia belongs to the Myricaceae family, which is rich in essential oils. The study of M. pubescens essential oil is the only reported in this genus. Its major component is germacrene - B (~ 32%). The present work reports the chemical composition of the essential oil of Morella parvifolia (Benth.) Parra -O. collected in Venezuela. The essential oil (0.3 - 0.5 % yield) of the fresh leaves of M. parvifolia from three different plants, from the same location, were obtained by hydrodistillation using a Clevenger type apparatus. The chemical constituents were identified by GC-MS analysis. From twenty three to twenty nine compounds (96.06 – 97.31 % of the samples) were identified. The major constituents found were α - bisabolol (50.56 - 58.9 %) and α - pinene (12.88 - 16.79%). Analysis of antimicrobial activity on Gram (+) and Gram (-) strains was performed but no antibacterial activity was observed. .

Key words: α-bisabolol, essential oil, Morella parvifolia, Myricaceae

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