Background- The condition which has white colour patches in skin is known as Shvitra in Ayurveda. In Modern science, this condition is described as a chronic disease condition and very difficult to treat with various treatment modalities. Among various formulations described in Ayurvedic classics, Savarnakara yoga is the first choice of many Ayurveda practitioners as Bakuchi (Psoralia corilifolia Linn.) and Haratala (Orpiment) are main ingredients of it. Aims and Objectives- It was planned to evaluate the efficacy of Savarnakara yoga in two different topical forms i.e. Lepa and ointment. Total 60 patients having classical signs and symptoms of Shvitra were selected and randomly divided into two groups. Savarnakara Lepa and Savarnakara Ointment were prescribed for local application in Group A and Group B respectively. 20ml Kanakabindvarishta with equal quantity of water was given twice a day after meal as internal medication in both groups. Results- In both the groups, statistically highly significant improvement was found in cardinal symptoms of Shvitra; but it was statistically insignificant when compared each other. Conclusion- Both the forms of Savarnakara yoga along with Kanakabindvarishta were found as a safe remedy in vitiligo with significant pigment regenerating capacity as topical use after the application of 2 months.
Key words: Bakuchi, Haratala, Kanakabindvarishta, Savarnakara yoga, Shvitra, Vitiligo