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Short Communication

Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2016; 14(1): 45-48

Prevalence of tuberculosis-like lesions in goats slaughtered at Bauchi central abattoir, Bauchi State

S Danbirni, HU Abubakar, L Allam, SB Pewan, IJ Barde & AKB Sackey.


Slaughter houses provide excellent avenues for detecting diseases of both economic and public health importance in livestock. A study of 12,429 slaughtered goats at the Bauchi central abattoir was carried out (from February to May, 2015) in order to determine the prevalence of tuberculosis-like lesions in slaughtered goats. The lesions were counted, visually examined and palpated during post mortem meat inspection. Of the 12,429 goats slaughtered and examined, tuberculosis-like lesions were observed in four (4) slaughtered goats with a prevalence of 0.03%. It was concluded that although the prevalence was relatively low, the financial losses and public health implications of the finding should not be over looked.

Key words: Abattoir, Bauchi State, Goat, Prevalence, Slaughtered Goats, Tuberculosis

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