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The Usage of Association Rule Mining to Identify Influencing Factors on Deafness After Birth

Azimeh Danesh Shahraki, Reza Safdari, Hamid Habibi Gahfarokhi, Shahram Tahmasebian.


Background: Providing complete and high quality health care services has very important role to enable people to understand the factors related to personal and social health and to make decision regarding choice of suitable healthy behaviors in order to achieve healthy life. For this reason, demographic and clinical data of person are collecting, this huge volume of data can be known as a valuable resource for analyzing, exploring and discovering valuable information and communication. This study using forum rules techniques in the data mining has tried to identify the affecting factors on hearing loss after birth in Iran. Materials and Methods: The survey is kind of data oriented study. The population of the study is contained questionnaires in several provinces of the country. First, all data of questionnaire was implemented in the form of information table in Software SQL Server and followed by Data Entry using written software of C # .Net, then algorithm Association in SQL Server Data Tools software and Clementine software was implemented to determine the rules and hidden patterns in the gathered data. Findings: Two factors of number of deaf brothers and the degree of consanguinity of the parents have a significant impact on severity of deafness of individuals. Also, when the severity of hearing loss is greater than or equal to moderately severe hearing loss, people use hearing aids and Men are also less interested in the use of hearing aids. Conclusion: In fact, it can be said that in families with consanguineous marriage of parents that are from first degree (girl/boy cousins) and 2nd degree relatives (girl/boy cousins) and especially from first degree, the number of people with severe hearing loss or deafness are more and in the use of hearing aids, gender of the patient is more important than the severity of the hearing loss.

Key words: Data mining, Text mining, Clinical Data mining, Data mining Deafness, Deafness, Hearing Loss, Deafness recognition pattern, SQL Server Data Tools, Clementine, Binary Classifier.

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