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Epilepsy Research in Iran: a Scientometric Analysis of Publications Output During 2000-2014

Masoud Rasolabadi, Seyedeh Moloud Rasouli-Ghahfarkhi, Marlin Ardalan, Marya Maryam Kalhor, Jamal Seidi, Alireza Gharib.


Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the epilepsy research output of Iran in national and global contexts, as reflected in its publication output indexed in Scopus citation database during 2000-2014.Methods: This study was based on the publications of epilepsy research from Iranian authors retrieved Feb. 2015 from Scopus Citation database []. The string used to retrieve the data was developed using “epilepsy OR epilepsies” keywords in title, abstract and keywords and Iran in affiliation field was our main string. Results: Cumulative publication output of Iran in epilepsy research consisted of 702 papers from 2000 to 2014, with an average number of 46.53 papers per year. The total publication output of Iran in epilepsy research increased from 2 papers in 2000 to 88 papers in 2014. Hence, with 702 paper, Iran ranked 25th among the top 25 countries with a global share of 0.82 %. Iranian publication average citation per paper increased from 0 in 2000 to 7.88 in 2014. Overall, the received citations were 3184 citations during those years. Conclusion: Iran is collaborating with 36 countries with no more than 244 of its papers (35% of its total papers). It is necessary to prepare conditions for epilepsy researchers to collaborate more with international scientific societies in order to produce more and high quality papers.

Key words: Bibliometrics, Epilepsy, bibliographic database, Scopus, Iran.

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