Dementia in geriatric patients is a major cause of malnutrition. In this article, the impact of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy placed in these persons is explored in order to understand the choices of the relatives leading to their placement. A retrospective analysis of the epidemiologic, clinical and demographic data of 51 persons with PEG placement is performed. The patients mean age was 74 years, most of them came from another hospital department (64.71%), all returned home but three, who went to a rehabilitation center. All their relatives had a university education or higher, and in 26 cases the relative was a doctor. Lack of major common complications, easier and faster feeding has increased the decision of the PEG placement, according to the family, who can have more constructive time with their relative without great psychological burdens.
Key words: dementia, Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy, relatives' choice