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Association of sleep quality with general health: an Indian college students study

Gurjeet Kaur, Vijaylakshmi Sharma, Amarjeet Singh.


Background: Poor sleep quality impacts the quality of life and general health. However, there is a dearth of research in this area. The college student population has lifestyles and habits that deteriorate the quality of sleep and impact their health.

Objective: To ascertain the association between the sleep quality and general health of the college students.

Materials and Methods: This was a self-administered, questionnaire-based study conducted among 1,215 undergraduate students using Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index and General Health Index.

Result: Highly significant association was observed between the sleep quality and the general health quality of college students.

Conclusion: The quality of sleep significantly affects the quality of health in college students.

Key words: Sleep quality, Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index, General Health Index, physical health, mental health

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