Short Communication |
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Tardive dyskinesia in long term hospitalized patients with schizophreniaAhmet Nalbant, Aylin Can, Huseyin Sehid Burhan, Alparslan Cansiz, Kaasım Fatih Yavuz, Mehtap Arslan Delice, Erhan Kurt. Abstract | | | | Objective: Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a group of delayed-onset iatrogenic movement disorders caused by dopamine receptor-blocking agents. TD prevalence is estimated as 20-50% of all patients treated with neuroleptics. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence rate of TD in long-term hospitalized patients with schizophrenia.
Method: We recorded age, gender, duration and type (first/second generation or mixed) of medication both at the time of interview and over preceding years. Dyskinesia was assessed by using the Abnormal Involuntary Movements Scale (AIMS). We also used the SimpsonAngus Scale for tardive parkinsonism. Akathisia was measured using the Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale (BARS).
Results: Mean duration of the longest used antipsychotic was 206.63 months. Probable TD was found in 18 (22.5%) of patients. None of the patients had tardive akathisia. Relation between type of the longest used treatment and prevalence of TD was not statistically significant. Relationship between type of ongoing treatment and prevalence of TD was not determined statistically significant either. There was a statistically significant relationship between the mean age and TD.
Discussion: Despite very long duration of antipsychotic use, 22.5% rate of prevalence is still lower than expected. This can be explained that these patients are under direct and close follow-up of healthcare providers and in hospital conditions, so that risky conditions can be intervened rapidly. Another noteworthy finding of our study is that there is no statistically significant difference betwen first and second generation antipsychotic use and TD prevalence.
Key words: Antipsychotic, schizophrenia, tardive dyskinesia