Proper characterization of estrous cycle is a key factor for improvement of fertility performance in buffaloes. The present study aimed to inspect the ambience of immune cells in uterine milieu during estrous and diestrus in Egyptian buffaloes. Transrectal ultrasonographic and histological examinations of buffalos' genitalia were also performed. Fifty buffalos' reproductive tracts were collected from a local abattoir directly after slaughtering. Obtained genitalia were conveyed within 1.5 hours to the laboratory. Uterine fluids were harvested, stained, and used for enumeration of immune cells. Ovarian and uterine specimens were used for histological investigations. Results revealed upregulation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) as well as monocytes in uterine milieu of estrous buffaloes. On the contrary, eosinophils and lymphocytes were increased in diestrus buffaloes. Histological investigations of estrous buffalos' genitalia showed ovarian mature graafian follicle, high to medium pseudo-stratified columnar endometrial epithelium, dilated endometrial glands, peri-glandular inflammatory cells infiltration, and edema. Diestrus buffalos yielded ovarian corpus luteum and medium to low simple columnar endometrial epithelium. Ultrasonographic estrous scanning showed anechoic mature follicle, uniformly echogenic uterine horn containing anechoic estrous mucus. Diestrus buffaloes showed uniform echogenic uterus and dense ovarian echogenic corpus luteum with cavity. In conclusion, the existence of immune cells in uterine milieu, ovarian and uterine histology as well as ultrasonographic scanning varies bigly between estrous and diestrus. These findings might elucidate in a part, identification, and differentiation between estrous and diestrus buffaloes predominantly those which did not manifest clear clinical signs of heat.
Key words: Immune cells, uterine milieu, estrous, diestrous, buffaloes, ultrasonography