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Case Report

Multifocal Micronodular Pneumocyte Hyperplasia : A Rare Pulmonary Manifestation of Tuberous Sclerosis (Case Report)

Sami El Himri, Feryal El Oualladi, Aicha Merzem, Hasna Belgadir, Omar Amriss, Nadia Moussali, Naima El Benna.


Multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia (MMPH) is a rare pulmonary manifestation of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). Based on thoracic computed tomography (CT) findings, this pulmonary condition was suspected in a 50-year-old patient who presented without respiratory symptoms. The diagnosis was supported by the presence of characteristic ground-glass nodules and strong multi-systemic extra-thoracic features suggestive of tuberous sclerosis complex. MMPH is a recently described entity characterized by benign hamartomatous proliferation of type II pneumocytes with no malignant potential. Imaging plays a crucial role in both the positive and differential diagnosis. Histological examination was not performed in this case, underscoring the efficacy of diagnostic imaging as a reliable tool for diagnosis. The aim of this report is to enhance the existing knowledge surrounding MMPH and its association with TSC, offering valuable insights for clinicians and researchers in the field.

Key words: Multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia, tuberous sclerosis

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