Objective: Burn injuries in hands are much more complex and the appearance of contractures is a common complication. Hand burn injuries often result in limited functionality, flexion and extension of fingers and present a major hindrance in rehabilitation. The aim of physical therapy and splinting after hand burn injury is to maintain mobility, prevent the development of the contracture and to promote the functionality of hand and good cosmetic results. The purpose of this study is to presents our experience of 38 children with hand burn injuries, admitted and treated at the Department of Plastic Surgery, UCCK-Pristina, Kosovo, during the years 2012-2015. Methods: Physical therapy is focused on active/passive range of motion in affected joints, management of cicatrix, strengthening exercise, coordination and use of splints for correction contractures. Patients were evaluated in three, six months and the definitive evaluation is done after 9 months of physical therapy and splinting. Results: We have improvement in range of motion (ROM), functionality, coordination, muscle force, decrease of keloids scars. Conclusion: This study shows the importance of physical therapy and splinting, achieving good results in preventing contracture, improving range of motion, muscle force and good cosmetic results.
Key words: burns injuries, hands, complications, physical therapy