Background: Distraction is nothing but internal intension of the mind towards involvement of the person. This research studied classroom distractions factors among students of Faculty of Allied medical Sciences in year 2014-2015, so that with the findings of the research about classroom distractors factors and to present proposed suggestions for decreasing and removing of distractions. Methods: This is an exploratory study. Data collection in this study was the researcher made questionnaire based on Likert-type scales. SPSS software was used for analyzing the data statistics such as mean, standard deviation and frequency ratings, each subset of the elements associated with distraction Friedman test has been used to determine the ranking of each of the components. Results: 139 people participated in the six majors in this study which 91 people (65.5%) was female, and 48 people (34.5%) was male. Maximum number of 31 people (22.3) was in laboratory science, Lowest number of 15 (10.08 percent) in medical records, 25 (18%) people in Radiology, health information technology and medical emergencies which each of above course studies with 23 people (16.5 %), Anesthesiology 22 (15.8 percent) participated in this study. Among the internal factors of distraction between male and female students, the sleeping factor was in first priority and My phone / pager ringing or answering the mobile was in last priority. Among distraction external factors in male students, the factor Adornment of professors with mean 3.27 and SD=1.30 and Mean Rank=23.06 was in first priority, and among external distraction factors in girl students, the factor, Used clothing and exotic costumes of Classmates with mean=3.21, SD=1.30 and mean rank=22.66 was in first priority and factor of Surroundings Noise (mowing, drilling, construction, and ...) for male and female students was in last priority. Conclusions: Attention and concentration are crucial to effective accomplishment. If a teacher is not proficient in controlling attention, focusing and refocusing when things go awry, this can cause loss of focus and in turn create a variety of problems.
Key words: Distraction, concentration, self-produced distractions, external distraction.