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Review Article

Challenges and Successes of Harm Reduction Services in Women’s Drop-in Centres: Perspective of Vulnerable Women

Minoo Alipouri Sakha, Parvin Afsar Kazerooni, Hamed Zandian, Hamid Ravaghi, Hakimeh Mostafavi, Sajjad Delavari, Mohammad Hossein Ziloochi.


Background: The objective of this study was to shed light on the challenges and successes of HIV/AIDS services delivery as perceived by Sex workers. Methods: Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 IDUs and Sex workers in drop-in centers in Shiraz. A thematic analysis of these qualitative data was conducted by the authors. Results: Participants identified major challenges and successes of HIV/AIDS services delivery. Access services, services delivery in terms of challenges and the successes concept were classified. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that while there is greater availability of HIV/AIDS services, this does not equate with greater accessibility because multiple, complex and interrelated barriers to HIV/AIDS service utilization at the service delivery level such as Stigma, discrimination, violence, harassment and social equity issues are critical concerns of FSW.

Key words: Service delivery, Harm reduction, DIC, Female sex workers.

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