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Antifungal Activity against Araliae Continentalis Radix Extract on Rice Sheath blight

TaeSeok Oh, Youn Jin Park, Chang Ho Kim, Yong Koo Kim, Seong Min Kim, Tae Kwon Kim, Myong-Jun Jang.


Rice sheath blight is caused by Rhizoctonia solan and as one of insect pests that affects with the most serious damages in globally, consuming the second largest cost for antifungal control to Blast. The Aralia Continentalis Radix extract has the antifungal activity against Rhizoctonia solan, and it was presumed that the ent-Pimara-8(14), 15-diene-19-oic acid contained in the Aralia Continentalis Radix is the basic material of antifungal.
It was confirmed that the aralia continentalis radix extract can be utilized as the control agent against the rice sheath blight because the damage by the rice sheath blight was decreased to less than 16% when the aralia continentalis radix extract of 125mg‧L-1or more was sprayed on the rice in the disaster prevention experiment against the field where the rice sheath blight was occurred.

Key words: Antifungal activity, Pesticide, Araliae Continentalis Radix, Antifungal agent, Natural substance

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