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SJEMed. 2021; 2(2): 106-111

Implementation of the ACS/ASE simulation-based basic airway skills module in medical school curriculum: experience from Saudi Arabia

Muna S. Aljahany, Wajdan I. Alassaf, Ohud Alotaibi, Hattan Alhabshan, Atheer Almutairi, Ahmed Alqahtani, Saeed Alduain, Alshaima M. Almadani, Faten A. Alradini.


Background: Simulation-based basic airway management training may enhance the learner's competence and offer practitioners the opportunity to practice infrequently applied skills in cases with difficult airway management. Here, we aimed to examine the effectiveness of implementing the American College of Surgeons/ Association for Surgical Education (ACS/ASE) simulation-based Basic Airway Management module in the current medical school curriculum in PNU.
Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study in which 44 students were enrolled in the training course; the instructors comprised six practicing physicians and technicians from the anesthesia and emergency departments. The students were divided among six groups for a 20-minutes hands-on training. Cognitive assessment and performance rating scale were conducted after the introduction of the module. An independent t-test was applied to analyze the pre- and post-test training scores for the cognitive assessment and performance rating scale. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.
Results: There was a significant improvement in the post-training cognitive assessment scores, especially for basic maneuvers to establish the airway in a restrained and unrestrained driver, and in a patient with neck hematoma. A significant difference was also observed in pre- and post-training procedural steps, product characteristics, and global rating score.
Conclusions: The ACS/ASE surgical skills curriculum for basic airway skills training is a feasible and effective approach for teaching basic airway management skills to medical students in PNU and other local universities.

Key words: Basic airway, medical student, simulation-based curriculum.

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