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Cyberbullying among college students

Meryem Fırat, Gülsün Ayran.


Purpose: This study was carried out with the aim of exposure college students levels of cyberbullying, application levels of cyberbullying and determine the relationship between these demographic variables.
Procedure: The scope of this study which is having identifier type formed 6625 student who is teaching at day school at Erzincan University in the spring semester of the 2013-2014 academic year . The selection from the population has not been examined and 1864 students which are reachable were included in the study. Datas were collected with the questionnaire form and Virtual Bully/Victim Scale by the researchers. The survey forms collected from students installed in the computer with the SPSS 22.0 program and statistical analysis procedures were reviewed. In the analysis of the data, percentage distributions, correlation, Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney U and Cronbach Alpha analysis tests were used.
Findings: Student's exposure to cyberbullying scores was higher than making cyberbullying. It has been found that student's age and grade variables are effective on exposure to cyberbullying. In addition, it was determined that there is a statistically significant relationship on both exposure to cyberbullying and application of cyberbullying the gender, the level of student achievement, economis status, availability of internet connection at home, the frequently visited place on the internet, anonymous calls and mails, the sending or receiving of messages.
Result: It was found that there is cyberbullying not only at the primary stage but also at the college-level students group, exposure to cyberbullying higher than making cyberbullying.

Key words: University, student, cyberbullying

Article Language: Turkish English

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