Aim: This study is done as a descriptor to determine the constipation status of the university students staying at the girls' dormitory.
Method: The universe of the research was formed by female university students who reside at higher education dorms in Cankırı. Whole of the universe was covered in the study without doing choice of the sample. For collecting the data used in the study, sociodemographic questionnaire developed by the researcher (to determine sex, marital status, and Constipation Severity Instrument (CSI) ' were used.
Results: 77.5 % of the female universities students participate in the study are between 18 and 21 years old, 39% of them are second graders. 48,1 % of incomes are under 500 TL., 14.9% of have the problem of constipation, 59.9% consumed water under and five cups a day and 52.6% describe motionless themselves. CSI average score female students' on the 73 (= 27.8 ± 11.3). In participants was determined to more invisible receiving meals, who not consume fruits and vegetables, and immobilized, pain, laziness and blockage feces of the colon.
Conclusions: According to these results, making the necessary training and advisory are recommended for reducing/preventing constipation problems of students and support them to deal with this problem.
Key words: Constipation; Students staying at girls' dormitory; Public Health Article Language: Turkish English