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Case Report

J Med Allied Sci. 2015; 5(2): 41-43

An interesting case of self-inflicted abdominal injury with multiple transections of the bowel

Ram Singh, Santhi Manchala, Nagendar Bejjamshetty, Sreenivaas Naik Banoth.


We present an unusual case of self-inflicted abdominal injury where the patient had used a razor blade to give himself a laparotomy-like incision and also brought a piece of excised and charred bowel with him to the hospital in a plastic bag. He had also allegedly tried to burn himself with kerosene, resulting in superficial burns over the left inguinal region. On exploratory laparotomy, his transverse colon was found missing and there were two partial transections of the stomach at the level of the body and in the pre-pyloric part.

Key words: Self-inflicted abdominal injury, Evisceration of bowel, Transection of stomach, Transection of transverse colon, Psychiatric illness

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