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RMJ. 2021; 46(2): 453-456

Prevalence of balance in female throw ball athletes: a descriptive study

Summaiya Rajar, Sajjan Iqbal Memon, Kiran Afzal, Payal, Rabiqa, Syed Meeran Hasnain.


Objective: To determine the prevalence of balance in the female throw ballplayers and to examine differences in balance testing for evaluating performance variations.
Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study included 100 female throw ballplayers who were students from 3 private educational institutes of Karachi, Pakistan. The data were collected from August 2018 to January 2019. We included participants aged 13-25 years and use non-probability convenient sampling. Static and Dynamic Balance was assessed with the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) that allowed our study participants to perform two stance variations (single-leg, and tandem leg) tested on a non-dominant extremity.
Results: Mean age of players was 19.23±3.149 years and mean weight was 55.27±9.331 kg. BESS errors were 85.0% that had superior to normal balance.
Conclusion: Players did not differ in terms of static and dynamic balance. Supervised training can substantially reduce the risk of injuries in the athletes.

Key words: Balance, throw ball, athletes.

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