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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2552-2563

A Study On Transformation Of Marketing Practices Through Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Rinku Dulloo,Dr. Priyanka Singh,Dr. Sajid Alvi.


This is the age of disruptive technologies where the technologies like IIOT, Big data analytics, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning and Block chain have changed the ways that business operates. Amongst all, AI i.e. Artificial Intelligence gains immense power to drive the businesses with a greater speed and bring transformational changes. Current study was conducted considering role of AI in marketing functions of the businesses. A qualitative approach has used by collecting the data from scholarly work by researchers, industry reports and reputed blogs. It was attempt to explore the concept of AI through marketing practices, its current applications and future prospective. Research study provides benefits of AI implementation in marketing. It explores how AIM technology affects the marketing decisions. The readers and research scholars would have a complete overview of the AI in marketing through the research paper.

Key words: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Marketing, Intelligent marketing, Machine Learning, Marketing Strategies, Marketing decisions, Predictive analysis.

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