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Ann Med Res. 2011; 18(4): 252-256

Midtrimester Amniotic Fluid TNF-alpha and IL-6 Levels in the Prediction of Premature Delivery and Admission to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Şevki Çelen*, Yavuz Şimşek**, Nida Erol*, Oya Şengezer*, Cuma Taşın*, Ümran Büyükkağnıcı***



Objective: The most common perinatal complication associated with neonatal morbidity and mortality is premature delivery. Prediction of these cases and timely intervention can prevent premature delivery and its complications. In this study, amniotic fluid TNF-a and IL-6 levels were measured at second trimester of pregnancy in order to investigate their correlation with premature delivery.

Material and methods: 88 patients underwent to a genetic amniocentesis were included to the sutdy. TNF-a and IL-6 levels were measured in 3 cc sample of amniotic fluid taken during amniocentesis. Patients were divided into three groups according to their delivery time: patients those were delivered at or before 33th week of gestation were assigned as Group 1; patients delivered between 34-36th week of gestation were assigned Group 2; patients those delivered at or after 37th week of gestation were assigned as Group 3. TNF-a and IL-6 levels of the groups were compared.

Results: The main obstetric characteristic of the groups were not significantly different. TNF-a levels of the groups were 39,8±4,8 pg/ml (33,5-48,0); 31,9±4,5 pg/ml (23,9-42,2) and 28,0±6,1 pg/ml (11,6-39,3), respectively (P

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