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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2009; 16(2): 125-129

Evaluation of the Epileptic Cases with Intracranial Space Occupying Lesion During Post Operative Period

Sibel Canbaz Kabay*, Handan Özışık Karaman**, Oğuz Erdinç***, Ramazan Durmaz****



Of the patients with cranial tumour 30 to 50% have generalised, partial or secondary generalisedseizures. Partial seizures let us to estimate the tumour localisation. In patients with space occupying lesion seizures may continue after the exicion of the tumour. We evaluatedthe post operative period of the patients who had intracranial tumuor.

There were 6 patients ( 3 male) whom were operated for their intracranial space occupying lesions between 18-70 ages. All had epileptic seizures preoperatively exept one patient with hyphophysis adenoma.Of these, the duration with seizure onset between operation were minimum one month and maximum five years.Focal motor seizures, partial andsecondary generalised seizures were seen preoperatively. Post operative diagnoses were menengioma.2, astrositoma.1 oligodendroglioma1, glial tumour1 and hyphophysis adenoma1. Neurologic deficit were not seen any of the patients post operatively. The follow up period after operation were minimum 6 months and maximum 9 years. Four patients were operated for the second time who had the diagnosis of menengioma, astrositoma, oligodendroglioma,and hyphophysis adenoma. Seizure characteristics were changed and the seizure frequency were decreased of the patient who had glial tumourafter post operative period.Maximum seizure free period were 6 years. The menegioma patient had her seizures early in time in intensive care unit as focal motor seizures and no decrease were seen in seizure frequency during the post operative follow up.In parasagittal oligodendroglioma patient seizure frequency were increased post operatively. Four patients had poly therapy. Post operative seizure course is associated with the tumour localisation, size, pathologic diagnosis, and second or more operation.Of these patients it is conspicuousthat the seizure control is more difficult who were operated for the second or more times.

Key Words: epilepsy, intracranial space occupying lesions, post operative status, anticonvulsant treatments

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