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Ann Med Res. 2007; 14(1): 17-20

Our Conclusions at Percutaneous Tracheostomy Performed with Griggs Technique

Müslüm Çiçek*, Ender Gedik*, Aytaç Yücel*, Ahmet Köroğlu*, M. Özcan Ersoy*




Objective: In this study we aimed to present the procedure time and early complications of the percutaneous tracheotomies with Griggs technique in our intensive care unit.

Material and methods: 115 adult patients were included the study and assessed retrospectively. Before the procedure, the primary diagnosis, age, sex and intubation time of the patients were recorded. The procedure was performed with ‘Percutaneous tracheostomy kit’ (Portex, Hythe, Kent, UK). The procedure time, the early complications (minor bleeding, surgical bleeding, subcutaneous emphysema, pneumothorax, false passage, hypoxia and mortality), mechanical ventilation time, intensive care unit stay time and the patient status at the hospital discharge were recorded.

Results: The mean procedure time was 5.77 min. The early complications of the procedure were found as minor bleeding in three patients (2.6%), surgical bleeding in one patient (0.86%), and false passage in one patient (0.86%).

Conclusion: We conclude that percutaneous tracheostomy with Griggs technique is performed in a short time at the bedside and  i has a low complication ratio.

Key Words: Intensive care unit, Complication, Percutaneous, Tracheostomy, Griggs technique

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