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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2007; 14(1): 49-51

Bilateral Anterior Glenohumeral Dislocation: Case Report


İrfan Esenkaya*, Nurzat Elmalı*, Mehmet Şükrü Şahin*




Bilateral simultaneous dislocations of the glenohumeral joints in all planes are rare injuries. Most cases are posterior and due to seizures associated with generalized convulsion, usually due to grand mal epileptic seizures, or after severe electric shock. On the other hand, bilateral anterior dislocations have also been reported in patients who have epileptic seizures, diabetic nocturnal hypoglycaemia, and in patients who have loose joints and dislocate shoulders by voluntary movements, after trauma or among participants in sports activities

This article presents a case of bilateral simultaneous anterior dislocation of glenohumeral joints  caused by epileptic convulsive seizures that was treated with conservative treatment.

Key Words: Anterior glenohumeral dislocation, Bilateral, Epileptic seizures

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