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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2007; 14(1): 61-63

Toxic Myocarditis after Scorpion Envenomation: Case Report


Cemşit Karakurt*, Gülendam Koçak*





Altough scorpions have a worldwide distribution, scorpion sting is an acute life-threating medical emergency condition in African Countries, India, Egypt, Middle- East, Israel and tropical countries. Some studies show that 50 per cent of scorpion envenomed children were diagnosed as having myocarditis.

Because the scorpion sting is an acute life threatining medical problem  in summer and dry seasons in South and South- Eastern regions of our country, we want to report our two cases who administired to our hospital in last year and who experienced myocarditis and pulmonary edema after scorpion sting.

Key Words: Scropion, Myocarditis



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