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Ann Med Res. 2004; 11(4): 223-225

Transurethral Prostate Incision as a Treatment Model in Choosen Patients with BPH

Ufuk Öztürk*, Muzaffer Eroğlu**, Can Tuygun*, M. Abdurrahim İmamoğlu*, Ahmet Kiper*



Purpose : In this study we tried to determine the efficacy of transurethral prostate incision (TUIP) in patients with

BPH who had unsatisfying results after various medical treatment models for lower urinary tract symptoms.

Materials and Methods : TUIP was applied to 31 patients.

Results : The mean age of patients was 56.5 and the mean prostatic volume was 41 gr . The preoperative mean

maximum urine flow rate was 10.3 ml/sec and the mean residual volume was 60 cc. The maximum urine flow rate

increased up to 13.9 ml/sec and 22 cc. residual volume decresed to after the operation. The results were statistically

significant (p

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