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Ann Med Res. 2004; 11(1): 15-17

The Treatment Procedures Of Humerus Shaft Fractures

Kadir Ertem*, İrfan Esenkaya*, Muharrem İnan*, Ferhat Taş*, Arslan Bora*




Between September 1998 and November 2002, 62 cases with humerus shaft fracture, 48 male and 14 female, mean

ages 32.8 years (15-67) that have been treated in our clinic were evaluated . Mean follow up was 18.5 months (3-38).

Twenty-eight of the cases were treated surgically, and 34 of them by conservative methods. Twelve of the patients

who were initially treated by conservative methods underwent surgery due to delayed union. Isolated humerus

fractures were found in 33 cases and concomitant injuries in 29 cases. Four cases, who had primary radial nerve

repair, the pronator teres was transferred to the extensor carpi radialis brevis the for internal splint.

The union of the fracture was accomplished in 12 weeks in the operated group and in 10 weeks in the conservative

group. In twelve cases, that were treated by conservative means, the union could be accomplished by surgical

intervention. With pronator teres internal splint, cases who had primary radial nerve repair, could use their hands

earlier with less prolonged use of external splint until the nerve regeneration accomplished.

Key Words: Humerus Fracture, Fracture Fixation, Splint

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