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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2564-2569

A Study On Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On Teaching And Learning- Post Covid-19



Education field is undergoing tremendous changes in the system through the implication of Artificial intelligence in education. Teaching and learning are being seeing the transformation through latest technologies. AI impact on education is increasing with the visualisation of customized learning. With the assessment and to have an interaction over online platforms to have blended learning exposure.
From past two decades there is no standard education model to be followed which paved way for development of AI into education sector. Since AIEd (AI in education) is still in the incubation phase only few education institutions have tied up with there project. It has created a gap between how AIEd technologies could work but how exactly it is implemented in educational institutions.
Machine learning concept was started in the year 1956 algorithms played a major role in assigning a task or completion of task. AI is some form of computer code that displays good amount of intelligence, problem solving and learning by which it can be analysed as super intelligent. With normal human intelligence operations can be made by computers to complete the assigned task. However, AI gradually learns things on its own and improves based on past operations.
Education institutions are more dependent on machine learning technologies to collect student data and implement action-oriented ideology to better the performance of students and also to take sound informed decisions. With the usage of AI, teachers can focus more on the problematic area and give students the customised learning solution. This way it is creating a huge demand for various vendors in the market to provide advanced level AI software for teachers to have a good customised learning content. These elements are the growing indicators of AI market in education sector.

Key words: Impact ,Artificial , Intelligence, Teaching , Covid-19

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