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Ann Med Res. 2002; 9(1): 53-57

Tucking Of Aponeurosis And Resection Of Aponeurosis In Patients With Congenital Ptosis

Tamer Demir*, Burak Turgut*, Sahap Kükner*, Ülkü Çeliker*




Objective: A total of 29 eyelids of 28 patients with congenital ptosis were enrolled in the study and the results of

tucking and resection of aponeurosis from two surgical technique were compared.

Method: We performed tucking of aponeurosis to 13 eyelids and resection of aponeurosis on 16 eyelids. In both

surgical techniques, surgical intervention was only applied to aponeurosis of levator muscle and no intervention

was applied to levator muscle, tarsus, Müller muscle, conjunctiva and levator horns.

Results: Only one lid (6.25%) undergoing resection of aponeurosis showed hypocorrection less than 1mm, in the

remaining 15 lids (93.75%) complete correction was identified. Of 13 eye lids of 13 patients undergoing tucking

of aponeurosis, three showed hypocorrection (23.07%) and one showed hypercorreection (7.69 %) that was

less than 1 mm. In the rest of 9 lids (69.23%) complete correction was identified.

Conclusion: Both surgical techniques were performed easily and were found to be reliable, successful and

anatomically acceptible .

Key words: Congenital ptosis, Tucking of Aponeurosis, Resection of Aponeurosis.

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