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Original Research

Ann Med Res. 2002; 9(1): 59-63

A Study on the Knowledge of The Nursing and Midwife Health Technical College Students about STD?s and Influential Factors

Dr. Senay Ok*, Handan Z incir**, E mel Ege**




This research has been made to evaluate the knowledge of the students on STD’s and the factors effecting it and

to compare the students who have been taking this training to those who have not taken it. The students have

been trained during their education. When the knowledge on STD’s for those who have been trained on STD’s

and for those who have not been trained are evaluated, it has been found out that 45 % of the trained students

and 11 % of the untrained ones have taken points over 50. Comparing the trained students to the untrained ones,

the difference between them is significant for the knowledge points (p

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