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Ann Med Res. 2002; 9(2): 89-93

The Influence Of Bone And Muscle Mass On Varus Osteoarthritis Of The Knee

Nurzat Elmalı*, Özlem Baysal**, Burak Germen*



We studied 50 knees of 25 women patients with bilateral varus osteoarthritis of the knee to determine the

relationship between the bone mineral density (BMD), body-mass index (BMI) and varus deformity. The mean

age of patients were 66,6. Four angles were measured to assess the varus deformity of each knee: The

femorotibial (FT) angle, the femoral condylar-femoral shaft (FC-FS) angle, the femoral condylar-tibial plateau

(FC-TP) angle, the tibial plateau-tibial shaft (TP-TS) angle. The FC-FS/FT, FC-TP/FT and TP-TS/FT angles

were also calculated to determine which component angle was predominant in the varus deformity. BMD of the

L2-L4 spinal region was measured, by dual photon x-ray absorptiometry. Body-mass index (BMI), an indicator of

obesity, was calculated. BMD/BMI was also calculated to determine the influence of body mass on BMD.

In statistical evaluation of results a correlation was found between severity of varus osteoarthritis and low BMD

and BMD/BMI (r= -0.486, p

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