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Original Research

Ann Med Res. 2002; 9(2): 113-114

The Effectiveness Of The Pinhole Method For Visual Acuity Evaluation

Selim Doğanay*, Hamdi Er*, Cem Evereklioğlu**, Ahmet Erten*, Mehmet Borazan*




Purpose: To evaluate relationship between pinhole visual acuity and the amount of spheric cylinderic refractive

error in patients with refractive errors.

Methods: Twohundred-thirty-two eyes of 116 patients admitted to our outpatient department were examined

prospectively . All uncorrected visual acuities were below the 10/10. We checked their refractions with 1.2 mm

pinhole and glasses. After that the differences between pinhole visual acuity and corrected visual acuity were


Results: No level differences were detected in 40 (17.24%) of 232 eyes. The other differences between corrected

and pinhole in Snellen level were 1 in 42 eyes (18.1%), 2 levels in 69 eyes (29.74%), 3 levels in 55 eyes (23.7%), 4

levels in 18 eyes (7.76%), 5 levels in 4 eyes (1.72%), and 6 levels in 4 eyes (1.72%) of 232 were detected.

Discussion: The pinhole is quick, economic and reliable method in screening of refractive errors.

Key Words: Diffraction, pinhole, visual acuity

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