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Review Article

NMJ. 2020; 9(2): 36-40

Clinical Study on Management of Incisional Hernia

Rupkumar K, Gopi Krishna B.


Incisional hernia is one of the frequently encountered surgical problems in any surgical out-patient departments. As there is an increase in the number of laparotomies in ant hospital nowadays, the incidence of incisional hernia is also increasing gradually. However, as there is an improvement in the surgical technique of repairing of hernia, the prognosis has been uniformly good in the recent past. The routine use of prosthetic mesh in all hernia repair cases and use of suction drains where ever necessary are the main contributors for the excellent results. This review article highlights the same

Key words: Incisional hernia; Repair; Prosthetic mesh; Suction drain

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