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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2002; 9(4): 259-261

Anaesthetic Management Of A Case Receiving Replacement Treatment For Adrenal İnsufficiency And Hypothyroidism


Nurçin Gülhaş*, Türkan Toğal*, Hüseyin İlksen Toprak*, Ebru Sızanlı*, Özlem Sağır*, M. Özcan Ersoy*



After adrenalectomy and thyroidectomy which performed as a therapy of multiple endocrine neoplasia II (MEN

II), adrenal insufficiency and hypothyroidism may occur. However in response to surgery, both cortisol and

thyroid hormones are essential and should be replaced. For any reason if an anaesthesia method will be applied to

these cases, regional block is more suitable which causes decreased metabolic and endocrine response. Therefore

we aimed to discuss anaesthetic management of a case who underwent vaginal hysterectomy with adrenal

insufficiency and hypothyroidism and receives hormonal replacement therapy, first planned to perform epidural

anaesthesia but because of the technical difficulties general anaesthesia was attempted.

Key Words: Anaesthetic Management: Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia II (MEN II), Adrenal İnsufficiency,

Hypothyroidism, Hormone Replacement.

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