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Review Article

NMJ. 2020; 9(2): 41-51

Teaching Approach for Neonatal Resuscitation in Delivery Room.

Adel Hamed Elbaih MD, Abdulrahman Noman Ghaleb.


Background: - The successful transition from intrauterine to extrauterine life depends very much on Physiological changes that occur at birth,10% of all newborns in the United States require some intervention, and 1% will require extensive resuscitation measures at delivery. Therefore, we aim to look into neonatal resuscitation for both medical students and new physicians face in the recognition, diagnosis and management of these problems.
Targeted Population:Neonatal resuscitation are requiring urgent management in the operative room, with Emergency Physicians for teaching approach protocol.
Aim of the study: Appropriate approach of neonatal resuscitation and management by training protocol to Emergency Physicians. Based to prevent neonatal death and adverse long-term neurodevelopmental sequelae associated with perinatal asphyxia
Conclusion: Resuscitation efforts may be discontinued after 10 minutes of resuscitation if the neonate has demonstrated no signs of life (no heartbeat or no respiratory effort for greater than 10minutes). And infants who required resuscitation are at risk of developing post resuscitative complications. After successful resuscitation, they require placement in a setting in which close monitoring and ongoing appropriate care can be provided.

Key words: Neonatal resuscitation; Outcome; Emergency physicians; skill approach.

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