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Review Article

AAM. 2012; 1(1-2): 31-38

Dimensions of Sattvavajaya Chikitsa (Ayurvedic-Psychotherapy) and their Clinical Applications

Jyoti Shankar Tripathi.


Ayurveda has considered the mental and physical diseases as two separate specialized subjects only in certain contexts. However, no line of demarcation has been drawn between the physical and mental diseases and a flexible psychosomatic approach has been put forward. The treatment of different psychological illnesses, as described in Ayurveda, reveals that the psychological, spiritual and pharmacological methods have been used side by side to root out the disease. The psychotherapeutic approach to the management has been described under SattvÁvajaya CikitsÁ. The present paper will review the ancient classical concepts of SattvÁvajaya and its basic tenets and throws light on its contemporary relevance and clinical applications.

Key words: Sattvavajaya Chikitsa, Psychotherapy, Manas,

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