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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 1999; 6(1): 69-72

A rare cause of ascites: chronic pancreat it is

Dr. N. Onur KUTLU*, Dr. Uğur KOLTUKSUZ**, Dr. Bülent YILDIRIM***, Dr. Hanefi SOYLU*, Dr. Ünsal ÖZGEN*, Dr. Ayşehan AKINCI*



Pancreatic ascites is a rare clinical entity, which causes increase of intraperitoneal fluid and needs to be d ifferentiated from the reasons such as cirrhosis, tuberculosis and malignancy. Less than 250 cases that revealed ascites related to chronic pancreatitis are described up to date.

A 7-year-old boy was admitted to our department with a history of abdominal distension. He experienced a blunt abdominal trauma three months before admission and following represented abdominal pain attacks since then. Growth and development course were normal and physical examination showed no pathologic findings except ascites. Chronic pancreatitis secondary to trauma was considered with the help of clinical findings and laboratory data. Being a rare clinical entity, pancreatic ascites is discussed from the point of diagnosis and treatment.

Key words: Chron ic pancreatitis, ascites, child

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