Which parasites can be transmitted by househoid cats and dogs? This difficult question is frequently asked to fami/y physicians. Certain/y a variety of potentially dangerous heiminths and protozoa can be transmitted to humans from pets but, for the most part, very speciai conditions must be present before this occurs. Small chiidren, pregnant women and immunocompmmised persons are three groups at greater potential risk than the general popuiation. Pregnant women are at speciai riskfortoxopiasmosisl. Immunocompromisedpersons(inciuding those with acquired immunodefıciency syndrome) are susceptibie to muitipie infections, especiaiiy to cryptosporidiosis, an underdiagnosed zoonosis present in contaminated water suppiies. The risk of disease transmission from pets can be minimized by taking a few simpie precautions such as avoiding fecai-orai contact, pregnant women not emptying the pet's iitterbox, washing hands carefuiiy after handiing pets, worming pets reguiariy and supervising toddier-pet interactions. In most cases, the psychoiogic benefits of pet ownership appear to outweigh the reducibie risks of disease transmission2. Zoonotic infections,which are those transmissib/e from animais to peopie inciude innumerabie viruses,bacteria,fungi andparasites(Tabie I).
Key words: Pets, parasites