Aim: To establish the normal standards for distant and near interpupillary distance (IPD) specific for age and sex in 3448 urban Turkish subjects from 7 to 40 years of age. IMethods: Turkish male (n=1852) and female (n=1596) subjects zere investigated for anatomical IPD. Subjects zere divided into three age groups; 7 to 15 year-old children (mean, 10.86±2.69), 16 to 25 year-old young adults (mean, 20.57±2.88), 26 to 40 year-old adults (mean, 30.87±4.55). The normative mean values at each age for 7 to 25 year-old group zere determined. The average values for IP measurements zith 3d, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75h, 90th and 97h percen tiles zere presen ted for 7 to 15 year-old group. The values zere compared zith standards derived from other ethnic populations.
Results: In all groups, the mean age difference betzeen males and females zas not significant. The overall anatomical FIPD is on the average 2.92 mm zider than NIPD. The male IPD zere, on he average, zider han he female IPD in ei her dis ances, zi h grea er differences in the advanced ages. The FIPD and NIPD differences zere significant for all ages. Mean values for IPD's in our study for both sex zere found to be similar zith Arabian, Hong Kong and British children, larger than those of Chinese, Black, Indian and Caucasians and smaller than those of Mexican children and mixed European population. Conclusion: Beside providing local reference standards at each age and sex, ze believe that this investigation zill contribute to normative IPD values used in the diagnosis of hyper-hypotelorism, various syndromes and some craniofacial deformities. These da ta are also useful for the industry of optical frames and lenses.
Key words: Interpupillary distance, anthropometry, hypertelorism, hypotelorism