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Ann Med Res. 1999; 6(2): 108-111

The influence of indomethacin on gallbladder contractility in patients with cholelithiasis

Dr. Ramazan SARI* Dr. Melih KARINCAOĞLU** Dr. Murat ALADAĞ** Dr. Bülent KANTARÇEKEN** Dr. Bülent YILDIRIM** Dr. Fatih HİLMİOĞLU**



Pathologies related to gallbladder emptying are frequently seen in patients with cholelithiasis. Prostaglandins are among the important mediators of gallbladder contractility and gallstone formation. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the indomethacin on the volume and contractility of gallbladder in patients with cholelithiasis. Twelve patients with cholelithiasis were evaluated before and after the use of indomethacin. Prior to calculations of gallbladder motility, 100 mg. oral indomethacin was given. Fasting gallbladder volume, residual volume and ejection fractions were recorded. The parameters before and after ndomethac n use were compared. In conclusion, there was no influence of indomethacin on fasting gallbladder volume, residual volume and gallbladder contractility.

Key words: Indomethacin, gall bladder, contractility, cholelithiasis

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