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Original Research

Ann Med Res. 1999; 6(3): 187-192


Dr.Fevzi Sefa DEREKÖY* Dr.Davut AKTAŞ** Dr.Ahmet BÜYÜKBAŞUSTA*** Dr.Mustafa ÖZYURT***



There have been many investigations about the microbial aetiology of chronic sinusitis with great variations. Because the culture and the antibiogram tests in the management of the patients with sinusitis are impracticai in daiiy iife, seiection of antibiotic drugs is done empirically. Keeping this fact in mind, the resuits of these tests shouid be disciosed more often on a reiiable method. In this study, twenty- five sinüs cultures were obtained from the patients with chronic maxiiiary sinusitis with pathoiogicai verification After treating the nares and inferior meatus with povidone iodine soiution, intranasai inframeatai antrostomy was performed. Separate transport mediums speciaiiy prepared for aerobic and anaerobic co/iections were used. Foiiowing differentiation of the microorganisms, antibiotic sensitivity tests were determined. Biopsy specimens of maxiHary sinüs mucosa, obtained peroperativeiy were studied under the iight microscope. Aerobic bacteria were recovered in seventeen cases(68%), vvhereas there were fifteen anaerobes isolated(60%). Mixed infections were seen in seven patients. The most common isoiates were anaerobic streptococci, Staphy/ococcus aureus, Haemophiius influenzae, atpha-haemoiytic streptococci and bacteroid species. It was noticed that the aminogiycoside antibiotics were the most effective drugs in tests.

Key words: Chronic maxiHary sinusitis, bacterioiogy, antrum.

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